Step-by-step guide on how to claim an oat on galxe to mint a base domain

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Oat, the native token of the Galxe blockchain platform, has gained significant popularity among crypto enthusiasts and developers alike. With its unique features and robust infrastructure, Galxe has become the go-to platform for minting base domains.

If you're looking to claim your oat on Galxe for minted base domains, you've come to the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the entire process, ensuring that you understand every aspect of the claim process.

Before we dive into the details, let's take a moment to understand the importance of oats and minted base domains. Oat is not just a token; it represents ownership and control over the base domain. Base domains, on the other hand, empower developers with unprecedented flexibility and scalability, enabling them to build decentralized applications seamlessly.

Now, let's get started with claiming your oat on Galxe for minted base domains. Follow the steps below:

Claiming Oat on Galxe

To claim Oat on Galxe, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to the Galxe (GAL) website.

  2. Click on the "Claim Oat" button.

  3. Connect your web3 wallet to the Galxe platform.

  4. Make sure you have enough GAL tokens in your wallet to cover the Oat claim fee.

  5. Enter the appropriate details, such as your base domain and other required information.

  6. Submit the claim form and wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

  7. Once the transaction is confirmed, your Oat tokens will be credited to your wallet.

It is important to note that claiming Oat on Galxe requires a web3 wallet and GAL tokens. If you do not have a web3 wallet or GAL tokens, you will need to obtain them before you can proceed with the claim process.

Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Access the Galxe platform by visiting their website.

Step 2: Sign in or create a new account if you don't have one already.

Step 3: Once logged in, navigate to the "Claims" section.

Step 4: Look for the option to claim an oat on a minted base domain.

Step 5: Click on the "Claim Oat" button.

Step 6: You will be prompted to enter the minted base domain you want to claim.

Step 7: Enter the minted base domain in the provided field and click on "Claim".

Step 8: Wait for the claim to be processed. This might take a few moments.

Step 9: Once the claim is successful, you will receive a confirmation message.

Step 10: Your claimed oat on the minted base domain is now ready to be used.

Note: Make sure to have enough OAT tokens in your Galxe account to cover the claim fee.

Minted Base Domain

In order to claim an OAT on Galxe for a minted base domain, you need to follow the step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Generate a Minted Base Domain

To claim an OAT on Galxe, you first need to generate a minted base domain. This can be done by minting a new domain using the Galxe platform. Make sure to choose a unique and relevant base domain name for your project.

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet

Next, you need to connect your wallet to the Galxe platform in order to claim the OAT for your minted base domain. This can be done by clicking on the wallet icon and following the instructions to connect your wallet.

Step 3: Claim OAT

Once your wallet is connected, you can now claim the OAT for your minted base domain. Navigate to the "Claim OAT" section on the Galxe platform and enter the relevant details, such as your minted base domain name and the amount of OAT you want to claim.

Note: The amount of OAT you can claim might be limited based on the number of minted base domains you own.

Step 4: Confirm and Pay

After entering the required details, review the information and confirm the OAT claim. You will then be prompted to pay the required amount of GALX tokens to complete the claim process. Make sure you have sufficient GALX tokens in your wallet to complete the payment.

Important: The GALX tokens will be deducted from your wallet upon successful completion of the claim process.

Step 5: Finalize Claim

Once the payment is made, the claim process will be finalized, and you will receive the OAT tokens for your minted base domain in your wallet. You can now use these OAT tokens for various purposes within the Galxe ecosystem, such as trading or staking.

By following these steps, you can successfully claim an OAT on Galxe for your minted base domain and start leveraging the benefits of the Galxe platform.

Why Claim Oat?

Claiming OAT (One Account Token) on Galxe is a crucial step in setting up a minted base domain. OAT is a unique token that grants the owner access to certain privileges and functionalities within the Galxe ecosystem.

Here are some key reasons why you should claim OAT:

  1. Ownership Control: Claiming OAT gives you complete ownership control over your minted base domain. It allows you to make decisions and manage the domain as you see fit.

  2. Monetization Opportunities: With OAT, you can explore various monetization opportunities related to your base domain. This can include selling or renting subdomains, running ads, or even establishing partnerships.

  3. Enhanced Security: Owning OAT provides an additional layer of security for your base domain. It ensures that only you, as the token owner, can access and modify the domain's settings.

  4. Exclusive Features: OAT grants you access to exclusive features and services offered by Galxe. These can include special tools, analytics, and additional customization options.

Claiming OAT: Step by Step

If you're ready to claim OAT on Galxe for your minted base domain, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up for a Galxe account, providing the necessary details and completing the registration process.

  2. Verify Ownership: Verify your ownership of the minted base domain by following the specified verification process.

  3. Connect Wallet: Connect your preferred cryptocurrency wallet to your Galxe account.

  4. Claim OAT: Follow the on-screen instructions to claim your OAT tokens and complete the claiming process.

  5. Start Enjoying the Benefits: Once the claiming process is successful, you can start enjoying the ownership perks and exclusive features associated with owning OAT.

By claiming OAT on Galxe, you ensure that your minted base domain is fully secure and under your control. It opens up a world of possibilities for monetization, customization, and enhanced functionality within the Galxe ecosystem.

Benefits of Claiming Oat

Oat is a digital currency that is created on the Galxe blockchain platform. When you claim Oat on Galxe, you will enjoy a range of benefits that come with owning this unique cryptocurrency.

1. Ownership and Control: By claiming Oat, you become the rightful owner and have full control over your digital assets. You don't have to rely on third-party intermediaries or worry about your funds being frozen or confiscated.

2. Financial Freedom: Oat provides you with financial freedom by allowing you to store, transfer, and transact funds securely and without any restrictions. You can use Oat for everyday transactions or as an investment tool to grow your wealth.

3. Privacy and Security: Galxe blockchain ensures the privacy and security of your transactions. By claiming Oat, you can enjoy the benefits of secure and anonymous transactions, protecting your financial information from prying eyes.

4. Potential for Growth: The value of Oat has the potential to increase over time. By claiming Oat, you can be part of the cryptocurrency's growth story and potentially benefit from its rising value.

5. Diversification: Owning Oat allows you to diversify your investment portfolio. By adding Oat to your holdings, you can spread your risk and potentially benefit from the performance of the cryptocurrency market.

6. Participation in Galxe Ecosystem: By owning Oat, you can actively participate in the Galxe ecosystem. You can avail yourself of various services and products offered within the ecosystem, enhancing the utility of your digital assets.

Overall, claiming Oat on Galxe provides you with numerous benefits, ranging from ownership and control over your digital assets to financial freedom, privacy, security, potential growth, diversification, and participation in the Galxe ecosystem. Begin your journey towards reaping the rewards of Oat by claiming it today!

Step 1: Register on Galxe

Before you can claim an OAT (Ownership Authentication Token) on Galxe for your minted base domain, you must first register an account on the Galxe platform. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of creating an account on Galxe.

1. Visit the Galxe website

Go to the official Galxe website by entering the URL in your web browser.

2. Click on the "Register" button

On the Galxe homepage, locate the "Register" button and click on it to start the registration process.

3. Fill out the registration form

A registration form will appear, prompting you to provide your personal information. Fill out the form with accurate details, including your full name, email address, and a secure password. Make sure to read and agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding.

4. Verify your email

After submitting the registration form, check your email inbox for a verification email from Galxe. Open the email and click on the verification link provided to confirm your email address.

5. Log in to your Galxe account

Once your email is verified, return to the Galxe website and log in to your newly created account using your registered email address and password.

6. Set up two-factor authentication (optional)

For added security, consider enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Galxe account. This feature will require you to provide a unique verification code in addition to your password when logging in.

7. Familiarize yourself with the Galxe platform

Take some time to explore the Galxe platform and familiarize yourself with its features and functionalities. This will help you navigate the platform efficiently when claiming an OAT for your minted base domain.


Ensure that you have sufficient funds in your Galxe wallet to cover the OAT claiming fees.

Step 2: Verify Domain Ownership

Once you have created your minted base domain on Galxe, the next step is to verify your ownership of the domain. This verification is essential to ensure that you have the right to claim and manage the domain.

1. DNS Verification

The first method of domain ownership verification is through DNS verification. Follow the steps below to complete this process:

  1. Login to your domain registrar's account and access the DNS management settings for your domain.

  2. Create a new TXT record for your domain. The exact steps may vary depending on your registrar, but look for an option to add a new record.

  3. In the TXT record, add the verification code provided by Galxe. This code is unique to your domain and is used for verification.

  4. Save the changes to your DNS settings and wait for the changes to propagate. This process may take some time, so be patient.

  5. Return to the Galxe platform and click on the "Verify DNS" button. Galxe will check for the presence of the verification code in your DNS settings.

  6. If the verification is successful, you will receive a notification confirming your domain ownership. Congratulations!

2. HTML File Verification

If DNS verification is not possible or you prefer an alternative method, you can verify domain ownership through an HTML file. Follow the steps below:

  1. Access your domain's file manager or FTP client and create a new file with the name and location specified by Galxe.

  2. Add the provided verification code to the HTML file. The code should be placed in the <head> section of the file.

  3. Save the changes and upload the HTML file to the specified location on your domain.

  4. Return to the Galxe platform and click on the "Verify HTML File" button.

  5. Galxe will check for the presence of the HTML file and the verification code. If everything is in order, you will receive a notification confirming your domain ownership.

Once you have successfully verified your domain ownership using either the DNS verification or HTML file verification method, you can proceed to the next step of claiming your oat on Galxe.

Step 3: Follow Oat Claiming Process

After setting up your Minted base domain and linking it to Galxe, the next step is to follow the Oat claiming process. This process is crucial as it allows you to secure ownership of your oat and establish your presence on the Galxe network.

Step 3.1: Generate a Claim Code

To begin the Oat claiming process, you need to generate a claim code. This claim code is a unique identifier that confirms your ownership of the oat. To generate the claim code, navigate to the Galxe dashboard and find the Oat Claiming section. Click on the "Generate Claim Code" button, and a code will be generated for you.

Once you have the claim code, the next step is to link it with your Minted base domain. This linking process connects your base domain with the claim code, proving that you are the rightful owner. To link the claim code, go to your DNS provider and add a TXT record with the claim code as the value. This action will verify your ownership and complete the linking process.

Note: The exact steps to add a TXT record may vary depending on your DNS provider. Refer to their documentation or support for detailed instructions.

Step 3.3: Verify Claim Code

After adding the TXT record, you need to verify the claim code. Return to the Galxe dashboard and click on the "Verify" button in the Oat Claiming section. Galxe will check if the claim code matches the TXT record linked to your Minted base domain. If the verification is successful, you will receive a confirmation message.

Step 3.4: Complete Oat Claiming

With the claim code successfully verified, you can now complete the Oat claiming process. Click on the "Complete Claiming" button in the Galxe dashboard, and your oat will be officially claimed. Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a minted base domain on the Galxe network.

Remember: The claiming process must be completed within a specific timeframe, usually within 24 hours. Failure to complete the process within the given timeframe may result in the cancellation of the claim code.

What is galxe?

Galxe is a decentralized domain name service built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to register and manage their domain names using smart contracts. Minted base domain is a base domain that has been registered on galxe and is tied to a specific Ethereum address.

What is the process of claiming oat on galxe for minted base domain?

The process of claiming oat on galxe for minted base domain involves several steps. First, you need to have a minted base domain that is registered on galxe. Then, you need to download and set up a galxe wallet application that supports the OAT token. Once your wallet is set up, you can navigate to the galxe dashboard and find your minted base domain. From there, you can click on the "Claim OAT" button and follow the instructions to complete the claim process.

What is OAT?

OAT stands for "Open Application Token" and it is the native token of the galxe platform. It is used for various purposes within the galxe ecosystem, including claiming and managing minted base domains.

Can I claim oat on galxe for any minted base domain?

Yes, as long as you have a minted base domain that is registered on galxe, you can claim oat for it. However, keep in mind that there may be certain restrictions or requirements depending on the specific minted base domain.

What can I do with oat once I have claimed it for my minted base domain?

Once you have claimed oat for your minted base domain, you can use it for various purposes within the galxe ecosystem. This includes buying and selling minted base domains, participating in governance decisions, and accessing exclusive features and services offered by galxe.

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2022-2024 @ Claiming oat on galxe for minted base domain a step by step guide